Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well, I got a bit of a disappointment late last night.  I checked my email and got the news that my application for a scholarship was not accepted.  This is a bit upsetting to me mainly due to the fact that it was a scholarship offered by the school, and I do so much for the school.  I really hate the whole "financial needs" evaluation.  FAFSA is a crappy way to evaluate a persons needs financially.  They ask about every possible income and yet they do not ask a single question about any debts or payments being made.  Not only that, but they believe that anything over $14,000 should be able to be used for college expenses...  $14k is not a very good livable wage.  If I lived on my own I would pay $650-$800 a month in rent alone... Take into account utilities, vehicle, food and you can easily be over $14k...  LAME!!!!  so, that kind of really makes me mad...  On the good side,  I get to FINALLY take a trip that I have wanted to do for over a year now!  I get to drive and camp all along the west coast!!!  yay!!!  not only that, but I get to go home for the first time in 2 years!  haha  I have been brainstorming the trip this morning, and I think it'll be soooo much fun!!!  I am really excited for it!  All in all, being denied the scholarship might be a really good thing!